Consider these factors before deciding whether your A/C needs to be replaced or repaired.
Hampton Roads is known for its warm weather. A working Air Conditioning unit is essential for being comfortable in your own home. A few signs should give you an idea of whether you should invest in a new unit or if Repairing your current unit is all that is required.
Your A/C Unit is a “Dinosaur”
Is your unit more than 10-15 years old? Is your system even manufactured anymore? Most HVAC technicians recommend replacing your unit if it is 15 years or older. There is a rule called the “5,000 rule.” You take the age of the equipment and multiply that by the repair costs. If you get a number that is more than $5,000, you should consider replacing your system.
Frequent Repairs and 24 Hour Emergency Service
Waking up to no air conditioning, especially in the Virginia summer heat, is no way to spend your nights. If you have recently called for emergency repairs or have seen your Air Conditioning System undergo a series of repairs, it may be a good time to think about replacing the old unit with a new, more energy-efficient unit.
Benefits to upgrading your HVAC system:
Instant Savings on Energy Bills
Better SEER Rating
Improved Air Quality
And So Much More…
Your Utility Bills Keep Rising
If your bills are going up as the summer progresses, your AC unit may be overworked. Clogs, leaking fluids, or your system turning on and off constantly are all signs that you need either an upgrade or, at the very least, yearly Preventative Maintenance. Bert’s Heating and Air Conditioning will provide preventative maintenance on both your AC unit and your heating systems. Please visit our Preventative Maintenance page to see how we can help your family stay cool this summer.
Also see: Home Heating Maintenance Repair Newport News
About Bert’s Inc. Heating and Air Commercial Refrigeration
We are highly trained, experienced HVAC specialists in home cooling installation, cooling services, boilers, and air conditioning installation. Bert’s Inc. provides commercial and residential cooling and air conditioning services in Williamsburg, James City County, Yorktown, Poquoson, Seaford, Hampton, Newport News, and surrounding Virginia Peninsula areas.
# Replace Repair HVAC Newport News, Hampton